Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Have a headache. I never used to get headaches, back before I got pregnant. Now I get them daily, even after Ashtin was born earlier this month.

Maybe it's lack of sleep. But that can't very well be helped.

Nate and I have been passing Ashtin back in forth like a hot potato all morning. He slept through most of the night last night, so Nate and I were able to get a little shut-eye ourselves. 'Cept I'm still tired. I'm eternally exhausted. And it's not fair to my new little boy that I just don't have the energy to enjoy him.

So you would think I'd be sleeping now, while Nate's holding Ashtin and he's quiet and content enough. But something keeps me up. Like I feel the second I lay down and begin to relax, he's going to start crying and I'll have to feed him. But that can't be true, because Nate said he'd feed him with one of the bottles of formula next time he's hungry; we don't want to waste any of what was made last night. Maybe I just feel like I'm more responsible for Ashtin's care just by nature since I'm mom. And I don't want Nate to feel overwhelmed.

He's been handling everything pretty well, actually. He takes the baby off my hands a lot, and I'm beginning to feel guilty about it. He's able to play on the computer while holding him, but if Ashtin is fussy, I feel like I should take him off Nate's hands so that he doesn't disrupt what he's doing.

Ashtin is getting fussy now. You would think he's hungry, but I've tried already and he just stares at me. When Nate brings him up to his face, Ashtin latches on his nose.

1 comment:

  1. Your last sentence made me laugh out loud. Babies are funny.

    They are also hard work and I hope that headache goes away soon!
