Wednesday, January 27, 2010


It's 5am in the morning, and I can't sleep.
My headache yesterday only got worse. I started getting chills after that. Checked my tempature. I was at 101.4; the same tempature I had at the hospital two weeks ago. I took a couple Advil and started feeling better. The fever went down. Then tonight I woke up with another tempature; this time 101.8.

Normally a fever wouldn't concern. But I am postpartum and twice in one month just isn't normal for me. But I didn't want to go back to the hospital. Thought they might think I have a different kind of problem; being addicted to being hospitalized. I've heard about people like this before. And I can't deny that the hospital is very comfortable for me. Everyone is really nice up there and they help me out a lot. Besides that, there's an electric bed and cable TV. The nurses make an amazing juice cocktail too.

I cried when we left the hospital after Ashtin was born. I cried as soon as we got into the car to leave. I knew as soon as we got home, I'd start stressing about what needed to be done around the house. Nate cleaned it up before I was discharged, but I can always spot more things that need to get done.

Ashtin is stirring. Takes around ten minutes for him to wake up completely. I should probably go.

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